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Simphony: Settings
Updated over 4 months ago

You can adjust the settings of a location using Simphony as the POS.

Editing location settings is only possible with the user role Edit location settings. If your user role does not include this, contact an Administrator user in your account and ask them to provide you access. Learn how to change user roles.

Follow the steps in this article to access the settings page of your POS. Most settings in this article can also be changed for individual channels.

Price level settings are only set at the channel level. View the Set price levels heading for details.

Product sync

Sync revenue center (RVC)

Enter the Simphony Revenue Center ObjectNumber used for product sync.

Employee number

Enter the Simphony Employee ObjectNumber used to inject orders and sync products. The Employee must be assigned to the Sync revenue center and be active on the Workstation.

Price level

Choose the Simphony price level to sync and apply for items' main price. Use alongside the Price level mapping setting.

Price level mapping

To make sure the correct price level is synced, set the flow you want to sync. LEGACY uses the number of rows set in Simphony (1=row 1), while BY_SEQUENCE is a more logical flow that uses Simphony's sequenceNumber (2=sequenceNumber: 2). Use with the Price level setting.

Product sync pagination

Limit the overall number of items synced during product sync. By default, the limit is set to 5000.

Increasing the value above 5000 may result in a slower product sync.

Advanced product sync settings

Tax percentage (1-4) and Tax object number (1-4)

In Simphony, each item is attributed a tax class with an object number. For Deliverect to apply the correct tax rate during product sync, set the tax rate in the correct field (e.g., 5% in Tax 1 percentage) and the corresponding tax object number in the equivalent field (e.g., 4 in Tax 1 object number). With the above configuration (5% and 4), all items with tax object number 4 in Simphony will be synced with 5% tax.

Product ID range

Restrict the items synced using the POS ID range. 2000-5000 means all POS IDs of items with IDs 2000 to 5000. For multiple ranges, specify with a comma (0-3000, 5000-5500). Leave empty to sync all products.

Product families range

Restrict the items synced using a family ID range. 100-102 means all families of 100 to 102. For multiple ranges, specify with a comma (100, 102, 104-109). Leave empty to sync all families.

Global order settings

When making changes to the following settings, ensure you are editing the correct area. Any changes made to the location will propagate to every online store for this location. Any changes made when editing the settings of an online store will impact only that online store.

Anonymize customer data (GDPR)

Activate to hide order customer info and delivery address details. Updates the customer's name to “Anonymized” when the order is finalized by Simphony.

The customer information is available until the order receives the “Finalized” order status.

Skip sending tax remit

Activate to prevent remitted tax from being sent to Simphony. If you use an online store that is the marketplace facilitator and remit tax you will likely not need the tax amount to be sent to Simphony.


Default item MenuLevel

Set the default Simphony MenuLevel for order processing. All items will use this value unless specified within the modifier group.

Default item SubLevel

Set the default Simphony SubLevel for order processing. All items will use this value unless specified within the modifier group.

Display note on top of order

Activate to display and print order notes on the top of orders. Requires configuration of the Note item PLU setting.

Add delivery address to order note

Activate to add the customer's address (if provided by the online store) to the order's PCheckInfoLines.

Add order type to order note

Activate to add the order's type to the order's PCheckInfoLines. Results will be DELIVERY, PICKUP or EAT_IN.

Use comma as a decimal character

Activate to replace decimal point . with decimal comma , as the decimal separator in order price and payment amounts. This allows Simphony to read the decimal comma as a thousand.

Order revenue center (RVC)

Enter the Simphony Revenue Center ObjectNumber used for order processing. Will default to Sync revenue center value on location level if left empty.

Use POS order release

Allow Simphony to recognize future orders and release order to kitchen screens based on POS internal release time, not immediately as the default behavior initiates. You must deactivate Deliverect’s Buffer orders setting, and set your Average preparation time. Additionally, the "future order" POS setting must be active in your Simphony back office. Contact Simphony if you’re unable to locate this setting.

Order type

Select the Simphony CheckOrderType value for all Delivery orders. It will also be used for Pickup and Eat In orders if overrides are not set.

Pickup order type override

Simphony CheckOrderType value for Pickup orders. It will default to the Order type setting value if not set.

Eat in order type override

Simphony CheckOrderType value for Eat In orders. It will default to the Order type value if not set.

Curbside order type override

Simphony CheckOrderType value for Curbside Pickup orders. It will default to the Order type value if not set.

Order payment

Send discounts

Activate to send any discount amount to your POS. Requires configuring the Discount tender setting.

Send delivery fee

Activate to send any delivery fee amount to your POS. Requires activating the Use PLU for charges setting and configuring the Delivery fee PLU setting.

Send service charge

Activate to send service charge fee amount to POS. If the Use PLU for charges setting is active to support sending delivery fee, tips, or bag fee to POS, configure the Service charge PLU setting. If the Use PLU for charges setting is inactive, set a Service charge option from the POS list below.

When to send delivery fee

Choose to send delivery fees to your POS at all times or only when the delivery is made by the restaurant. Ensure that the settings Send delivery fee and Delivery fee PLU are also configured for a correct mapping to your POS.

Delivery fee PLU

The PLU of a POS item to map order delivery fee amounts. Create a $0 POS item called Delivery Fee and sync your products to Deliverect. Enter the item’s PLU in the Delivery fee PLU field.

Service charge PLU

The PLU of a POS item to map order service charge amounts. Create a $0 POS item called Service Charge and sync your products to Deliverect. Enter the item’s PLU in the Service charge PLU field.

Send tip

Activate to send any tip amount to your POS. Requires activating the Use PLU for charges setting and configuring Tip PLU setting.

Paid payment tender

Choose the payment type for paid orders.

All options marked with an asterisk (*) are service total tenders and will leave checks open (unpaid) on POS. Do not send a service total tender if you require all paid orders to automatically close.

Unpaid payment tender

Choose the payment type for unpaid orders.

All options marked without an asterisk (*) are not service total tenders and will automatically close checks (paid) on POS.

Discount tender

Choose the POS discount option to map order delivery fee amounts. Ensure the Send discount setting is set.

Service charge

Choose the POS service charge option to map order service charge amounts. Ensure the Send service charge setting is set. Only use if the Use PLU for charges setting is inactive. If activated, configure the Service charge PLU setting instead.

Use PLU for charges

Activate to send bag fees, delivery fees, or tip amounts to Simphony. Used in conjunction with the Bag fee PLU, Tip PLU and Delivery fee PLU settings. You can send service charges by configuring the Service charge option.


Enter the PLU of a POS item to map order tip amounts. Create a $0 POS item called “Tip” and sync this to Deliverect. Enter the item’s PLU in the Tip PLU setting. Requires Send tip to be active.

Plain prices

A mismatch in Simphony and Deliverect settings may cause your Simphony checks to display a different price total due to item prices being multiplied by item quantity. Activate this setting to change this logic and skip multiplying prices by item quantities.

Bag fee PLU

The PLU of a POS item to map bag fee amounts. Create a $0 POS item called Bag fee and sync your products to Deliverect. Enter the item’s PLU in the Bag fee PLU field.

Order behaviour

Buffer orders

Activate to delay order release to the POS. Orders are automatically accepted on Parsed and Scheduled statuses until it is time to send them to the POS (pickup time minus the channel’s Average Preparation Time). This setting overrides the value set in Auto accept order when as all orders are auto-accepted.

Average preparation time

Set your average preparation time in minutes. Used in combination with the Buffer orders setting.

Average delivery time

Average delivery time in minutes. Controls various self-delivery and dispatch settings.

Separate same products

If two or more of the same products are ordered, separate them into individual line items for improved visibility in the POS order and receipt.

Skip sending order cancellation to POS

Skip sending any online store or DMA cancelled order to POS.

Auto finalize orders

Update order status to “Auto finalized” after successful POS injection. Default behaviour is to rely on POS or online store status updates to update order’s status

Snooze item if out of stock

Automatically snooze a product for a set time if it is unavailable or out of stock in the POS. The snooze operation will trigger when an order is attempted and fails due to stock levels.

Show on the KDS immediately

Set orders' placed time as the CheckDateToFire time, prompting orders to appear immediately on the Simphony kitchen screen.

Rush order

Activate to prioritize orders from this online store over normal orders in regards to KDS visibility. Updates CheckStatusBits to 1, allowing Simphony to prioritize these over normal orders, whose value is 0.

VIP order

Activate to prioritize orders from this online store over both normal and rushed in regards to KDS visibility. Updates CheckStatusBits to 2, allowing Simphony to prioritize these over normal orders (value 0) and rush orders (value 1).

Order info

Initialise customer last name

Activate to replace the customer's last name with the initial of their last name on the order's PCheckInfoLines.

Remove phone number from order note

Activate to not include the customer's phone number (if provided by online store) to the order's PCheckInfoLines.

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