Temporarily adjust the opening hours of your locations for a holiday or other occasion.
This feature currently only works with the following channels: Deliveroo, Just Eat, and Uber Eats.
You may not yet have access to this feature. View instructions for the previous version.
Extending opening hours using this page is not currently supported for Just Eat. Instead, use the Opening hours page to make this change.
How to access
Step 1. Select Menus in your sidebar
, followed by the Scheduling tab
Step 2. Select Special hours.
Choose a location
Before creating or editing special hours, select the dropdown at the top of the page to choose the location. Any existing special hours are displayed below.
Add special hours to a location
Step 1. Select the Add special hours dropdown and choose + New
Step 2. Create the special hours by completing these fields:
Name: Enter a name to identify the special hours
Period: Start and end date
Hours: Choose Closed or Custom hours.
If Custom hours is selected, select the days and choose whether the location should be closed or have custom opening hours.
Select the Create button once ready. The special hours are now configured and applied automatically at the specified period.
Copy special hours from a different location
Step 1. Select the Add special hours dropdown and choose Copy from other location
Step 2. Select the location to copy from.
Step 3. Choose the special hours and select the Apply special hours button
. The special hours are now active for this location.
Edit or disable special hours
You can edit, disable, and delete special hours by selecting the ⫶ icon.
Previous version (called Holidays)
Access this feature by selecting Menus in your sidebar ①, followed by the Scheduling tab ②.
Select Holidays at the top of the page.
Add/edit a holiday
Step 1. Select the Add holiday button.
Step 2. Choose the location(s) to use and enter a start date and start time. Add an end date and end time if you don't want it to be indefinite. To add additional dates, select the + Add holiday button.
Step 3. Select the Save button.
View which ordering channels support holidays
After creating a holiday, the number of supported channels will be shown. Selecting the text will show you which channels do not support this feature. For those channels, it will be necessary to make manual changes on the channel's platform. The Opening Hours feature can also amend future opening dates and times within the same week. The Busy Mode feature can close your business for the current day.
Edit a holiday
Select the pencil icon to make changes.
Delete a holiday
Selecting the delete icon will prevent the schedule from being executed. When deleting a currently active schedule, your opening hours and menu schedules will go back into effect.
What happens when a holiday is activated?
Your menu or store is closed for new orders until the end of the holiday period. To find out if a holiday has started, view your Operation reports page. You will find a separate operation for each ordering channel. We use three different operation types as not all channels natively support setting holidays:
UPDATE HOLIDAYS: The ordering channel has support for setting holidays.
MENU PUBLISH: The ordering channel allows for adding holidays to menus.
CLOSE STORE: The ordering channel has no support for holidays. To work around this, we manually close your store.