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Glovo: Settings
Updated over 6 months ago

You can adjust the settings of a Glovo channel.

Editing channel settings is only possible with the user role Edit store settings. If your user role does not include this, contact an Administrator user in your account and ask them to provide you access. Learn how to change user roles.

Follow the steps in this article to access the settings page of your Glovo channel.

The following settings are available inside the Glovo channel settings section.


Publish categories as collections

Activate to publish each menu category as a Glovo collection. This allows your diner to click a category name on Glovo’s menu, and view only the items within this section.

This is only supported when publishing a single menu.

When inactive, Glovo shows all items and categories for a menu in one continuous list, without the ability to open each category or section individually.

Use Super Collections

Activate to publish your menu groups to Glovo as Super Collections. This changes the layout of your Glovo store to show each menu as a separate section.

Skip publishing menu when updating opening hours

Activate to prevent Deliverect automatically publishing a menu to Glovo whenever your location opening hours are updated.

You may want to skip automatically updating the menu as Glovo has a limit of five menu publish attempts per day and Deliverect opening hours do not update Glovo store hours.


Fixed cost %

Input your Glovo fixed cost % for Deliverect to account for these amounts in your analytics. This information is not sent to your POS and is used solely for order total calculations in Deliverect Restaurants’ analytics.

Use store item names

Activate this setting to display the item names visible on Glovo (if they have been manually modified on your Deliverect menu) on the Orders page, and the DMA screen and printouts (if you use the DMA).

The default behavior is to display the item’s names as they sync from your POS.

This behavior is only applicable for Deliverect Restaurants and DMA. If you use a POS, your POS will use its item names.

Use pickup code as Order ID

Activate to use Glovo’s pickup code as the order ID visible in Deliverect instead of the default order code. When inactive, Glovo’s order code is used as the order ID.

Bag fee PLU

If you are located in a region where bag fees are mandatory and want to map any bag fee charged by Glovo to a POS item, enter the PLU of the item.

Ensure your country is set in your location POS settings editor. Also, add the bag fee item to your Deliverect menu and publish the menu to Glovo.

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