View and manage your delivery jobs and couriers with the Live View page.
Open Dispatch and select
Live View.
The following options are at the top of the page:
Filter on location, order ID or customer name, partner, and status.
Export the delivery jobs as a CSV file.
Change between the default tile view and the map view.
Tile view
The tile view shows today's queued, in progress, and delivered delivery jobs.
Map view
The map view shows all orders needing to be delivered by your own couriers. You can also view the status of the couriers and manage their cash.
The map view is only available if you use the Courier App. Learn more.
Use the filters at the top of the page to switch locations and order statuses.
Jobs tab
Here are your existing jobs. The following information is provided:
Order ID
Delivery status
Expected delivery time
Delivery address
Assigned courier
Delivery job letter
Select an order to view additional details.
Order details
At the bottom, you can track the delivery, mark it as delivered, or cancel it.
Delivery tab
Choose a courier to deliver the order by selecting the dropdown and selecting the Assign button.
Details tab
Contact details for the customer and the store.
Order tab
Contents of the order and the total price.
Couriers tab
This tab lists your couriers and their current status. You can set an online courier to offline by selecting the ⫶ button and choosing Set courier offline.
The current cash of your couriers is displayed if you have activated the Enable cash payments setting on the My Couriers page. Select the current cash amount of the courier to log cash returned.
Full-screen mode
Select the expand button to increase the map's size by hiding the sidebar.