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Maitre'D: Sync Products
Updated over a year ago

Need to sync products after adding, updating, or deleting products in Maitre'D? Follow the steps in this article to learn how.

The following five XML files must be imported every time there is a change on the inventory, and are located at C:\POSERA\MaitreD\DATA\. All POS products need to have unique external IDs that you must ensure match to the product ID in Maitre’D.

  • ConfigExport.xml

  • DivisionExport.xml

  • TaxExport.xml

  • RevenueCenterExport.xml

  • MediaExport.xml

Step 1. Log in to your Deliverect account and select Locations in the sidebar.

Step 2. Select the Sync products button. If you want to preview the products that will be changed, select the dropdown arrow and choose Sync preview. To replace all products with those in your POS, choose the Force sync option.

Step 3. You will be prompted to upload your XML files exported from Maitre'D.

Upload each of the files. Please note there is no need to upload the VoidReport XML file that will also be in your Maitre'D export zip file. You only need to upload the five shown in the screenshot below.

Step 4. Select the Upload button.

Step 5. Modifier groups are not imported from Maitre’D. Once your import has succeeded, please proceed with creating your modifier groups, adding your modifiers, and attaching them to the relevant products. You can learn how to do this here.

If the product import fails, it can be for one of two reasons:

  • One or multiple files are corrupted. Please re-download and try again.

  • There’s a mismatch between the information in your export files and the settings in your Deliverect account. Please reach out to our support team and confirm the revenue center and mode to be used for the product import.

Preview changes

If you selected the Sync preview option, go to your Operation reports after uploading your files.

Select each dropdown inside the Product Sync Preview operation to see what will be changed.

If you're satisfied with the changes, you can just repeat the steps of uploading the XML files, this time using the Sync products button.

If some products are ignored, this may mean that the items in the files do not have unique external IDs. Please check the item configuration in the POS and correct any item using a non-unique ID.

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