Use the Opening hours page to make bulk changes to your opening hours. Specify the locations, channels, and custom tags to create multiple different opening hours. Keep reading to learn more.
This is only available for customers managing a large number of locations. Find out about the standard version of the opening hours tab.
How to access
Step 1. Log in to Deliverect Restaurants . In the sidebar, select
Menus ① followed by Scheduling ②.
Step 2. Select the Opening hours tab.
Your existing opening hours are displayed here.
Add a new rule
Step 1. Select the + Add opening hours button.
Step 2. Choose the locations, channels, and channel link custom tags to use.
Step 3. Tick the days you are open and add the opening and closing hours. If there is a break in service during the day, add additional opening/closing hours. Selecting the Duplicate button will copy the hours to the day below.
Step 4. Select the Save button once finished.
Edit an existing rule
Select the edit icon to make changes.
After modifying the opening hours, select the Save button.
Delete a rule
Select the trash icon to remove the opening hours. You will be asked to confirm this action.