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MyOrderBox: Configure
Updated over a year ago

Step 1. Log into your MyOrderBox account. For each store you wish to integrate, go to ManagementStores ➜ Configure store.

Step 2. Go to Setup ➜ Add Ons Deliverect ➜ Enabled.

Step 3. Enter your Deliverect account ID in Deliverect account. Your Deliverect account manager will provide this ID to you.

Step 4. Next, select the Deliverect location.

Step 5. If you would like to sync the products with Deliverect, you can do this by pressing Sync Menu. Setup ➜ Add Ons ➜ Deliverect ➜ Please Select price type ➜ Sync Menu.

If you have activated the Advanced Pricing option, you can choose which price to send to Deliverect.
Management ➜ Menu ➜ Menu Setup: Advanced Pricing Enable.

If you are using a Company menu, activate it there.
When deactivating Advanced Pricing, all prices will be reset to In Store price values.

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